Thread-Local, Step-Local Proof Obligations for Refinement of State-Based Concurrent Systems
This page documents the KIV formalization of
Gerhard Schellhorn, Stefan Bodenmüller, Wolfgang Reif:
Thread-Local, Step-Local Proof Obligations for Refinement of State-Based Concurrent Systems.
Submitted to ABZ 2023.
Project Overview gives an overview of the entire specification hierarchy.
KIV-Projects always link to an overview which gives the dependency graph of specifications. Clicking on one specification gives its text, and links to a theorem base summary (which lists names of theorems) and a theorem base listing (which shows the full sequent for each theorem). From there individual theorems and the full details of each proof are accessible.
- The main
specification defines the algorithms for inserting elements and for testing membership in the hashtable.
It also defines the necessary assertions and rely conditions to prove an invariant (HashsetInv).
The specification text generates data types for global and local states, actions, and
predicate logic axioms for steps, consisting of preconditions 'pre'
and three functions 'gstepf', 'lstepf', 'pcstepf' that modify the global, local and control state.
The generated specifications are all shown after the ';;;END' marker that ends the specification
text typed in by the user.
Note that the definition of the thread-local invariant HashsetLInv that has to collect
all the assertions given is already quite a large formula.
- The specification imports
the predicates
'htok', 'allslotsfull' and 'between' as given in the paper. Some simple lemmas
are proved over them in
the theorembase.
- Specification HashSet also generates step-, rely- and stable- proof obligations (as defined in the paper),
that must be discharged to prove the invariant. These are proven
Some 'definedness' proof obligations (not discussed in the paper) ensure that
partial functions (like array access or division/modulo) are always called within their specified domain
(for array access the index must be below the array size; divisor must not be zero).
- The abstract canonical automaton is defined in specification
Set. Again this specification generates data types and
axioms given at the end of the text. The invariant SetInv needed here is rather simple. Again
local proof obligations are discharged as shown in
this theorembase.
contains the necessary definitions that fix the forward simulation 'abs'
by defining a global abstraction, assertions that define the abstraction
between local state (predicate 'labs'), and by mapping actions of the concrete automaton
for the algorithms to actions of the abstract one. The latter mapping is
necessary for the technical reason, that the two types of actions
of the automata (HashsetAction and SetAction) are different. It is basically
identity. The definitions generate
the thread-local, step-local
proof obligations as given in the paper, that must be proved to ensure
a correct forward simulation and therefore refinement, i.e. trace inclusion.
- Because of refinement, most of the tasks given in the description
of the VerifyThis2022 challenge can be proved over
abstract set operations, instead of proving them for the algorithms.
Some properties are proved
however termination has not been considered yet, and the proofs
are not discussed in the paper.
- Finally,
this specification
provides the instance of the generic refinement theory with the case study.
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