[Mondex-incr08] |
Gerhard Schellhorn and Richard Banach,
A Concept-Driven Construction of the Mondex Protocol using Three Refinements, submitted to ABZ 2008, available from the authors |
[Mondex00] |
S. Stepney and D. Cooper and J, Woodcock, AN ELECTRONIC PURSE Specification, Refinement and Proof, Technical Monograph, Oxford University Computing Laboratory, PRG-126 available here |
[Mondex-ASM08] |
Gerhard Schellhorn and Holger Grandy and Dominik Haneberg and Nina Moebius and Wolfgang Reif,
A Systematic Verification Approach for Mondex Electronic Purses using ASMs, Proceedings of the Dagstuhl Seminar on Rigorous Methods for Software Construction and Analysis,Springer,2008, to appear |
[Boe03] |
E. Börger, The ASM Refinement Method, Formal Aspects of Computing, 2003 |
[SchJUCS01] |
G. Schellhorn, Verification of ASM Refinements Using Generalized Forward Simulation, Journal of Universal Computer Science, Vol. 7(11),pp. 952--979,2001,
available here |
[Sch05] | G. Schellhorn, ASM Refinement and Generalizations of Forward Simulation in Data Refinement: A Comparison,Journal of Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 336, no. 2-3, pp. 403-435 ,2005 |